The Canadian Dollar is the currency in Canada (CA, CAN). The Swedish Krona is the currency in Sweden (SE, SWE). The Swedish Krona is also known as Kronas. The symbol for CAD can be written Can$. The symbol for SEK can be written kr, Sk, and Skr. The Canadian Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The Swedish Krona is divided into 100 ore.


Currency conversion rates from Canadian Dollar to Swedish Krona today Wed, 14 Apr 2021: convert from CAD to SEK and also convert in a reverse direction. Rates are based on real time exchange rates. Exchange rates are updated every 15 minutes.

1 (CAD) Canadian Dollar= 6.5613 (SEK) Swedish Krona(six Swedish Krona, and fifty-six øre) ↻. 1 Swedish Krona = 0.1524 Canadian Dollar. Conversion rates Swedish Krona / Canadian Dollar; 1 SEK: 0.14881 CAD: 5 SEK: 0.74406 CAD: 10 SEK: 1.48811 CAD: 20 SEK: 2.97622 CAD: 50 SEK: 7.44055 CAD: 100 SEK: 14.88110 CAD: 250 SEK: 37.20275 CAD: 500 SEK: 74.40550 CAD: 1000 SEK: 148.81100 CAD: 2000 SEK: 297.62200 CAD: 5000 SEK: 744.05500 CAD: 10000 SEK: 1488.11000 CAD 1 CAD = SEK 6.7130: 03/04/21: Thursday: 1 CAD = SEK 6.7062: 03/03/21: Wednesday: 1 CAD = SEK 6.6511: 03/02/21: Tuesday: 1 CAD = SEK 6.6358: 03/01/21: Monday: 1 CAD = SEK 6.6692: 02/26/21: Friday: 1 CAD = SEK 6.6270: 02/25/21: Thursday: 1 CAD = SEK 6.5782 Canadian Dollar / Swedish Krona Currency: SEK Margin: 2% Long position overnight fee-0.0320% Short position overnight fee-0.0320% 1,000.00. Canadian Dollars converts to. 6,555.11. Swedish Krona. 5,000.00.

Canadian dollars to sek

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The symbol for SEK can be written kr, Sk, and Skr. The Canadian Dollar is divided into 100 cents. The Swedish Krona is divided into 100 ore. 1 (CAD) Canadian Dollar= 6.5613 (SEK) Swedish Krona(six Swedish Krona, and fifty-six øre) ↻. 1 Swedish Krona = 0.1524 Canadian Dollar.

Facts about Canadian dollar (CAD) The dollar (currency code CAD) has been the currency of Canada since 1858.

1200 SEK = 173.19145 CAD. Convert Canadian Dollar To Swedish Krona . Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 30,2021 08:48 UTC. Full history please visit SEK/CAD History

Configure Converter. 1 CAD. =. 6.66 SEK. Swedish Krona. 6.66.

Canadian dollars to sek

Converting currency from one to another will be necessary if you plan to travel to another country. When you convert the U.S. dollar to the Canadian dollar, you can do the math yourself or use a currency converter.

Convert Canadian dollar to Swedish Krona, check current CAD to SEK exchange rate, view live or history cad to sek chart. Small currency converter of cad to sek is published aside, where default value in converter is 1 CAD to SEK , but you can you go to full currency converter with more currency selections and possibilities.

Canadian dollars to sek

Following are currency exchange calculator and the details of exchange rates between Canadian Dollar (CAD) and Swedish Krona (SEK). 1 sek = 0.14394 cad: 6.9472 sek = 1 cad: 2 sek = 0.28789 cad: 13.8944 sek = 2 cad: 5 sek = 0.71971 cad: 34.736 sek = 5 cad: 10 sek = 1.43943 cad: 69.47201 sek = 10 cad: 15 sek = 2.15914 cad: 104.20801 sek = 15 cad: 20 sek = 2.87886 cad: 138.94401 sek = 20 cad: 25 sek = 3.59857 cad: 173.68002 sek = 25 cad: 50 sek = 7.19714 cad: 347.36003 sek = 50 cad On this page convert CAD to SEK using live currency rates as of 29/03/2021 19:26. Includes a live currency converter, handy conversion table, last 7 days exchange rate history and some live Canadian Dollars to Swedish Krona charts. 2019-10-31 · 1 SEK: CAD: 0.13637 CAD: 1 Swedish Krona = 0.13637 Canadian Dollars on 10/31/2019: 100 SEK: CAD: 13.6365 CAD: 100 Swedish Kronor = 13.6365 Canadian Dollars on 10/31/2019: 10,000 SEK: CAD: 1,363.65 CAD: 10,000 Swedish Kronor = 1,363.65 Canadian Dollars on 10/31/2019: 1,000,000 SEK: CAD: 136,365.03 CAD: 1,000,000 Swedish Kronor = 136,365.03 Canadian Dollars on 10/31/2019 1 CAD(Canadian Dollar) to SEK(Swedish Kronor) exchange conversion for today .
Dansk forfattare

Canadian dollars to sek

5000 SEK = 729.86639 CAD. Convert Canadian Dollar To Swedish Krona . Exchange Rates Updated: Mar 27,2021 08:45 UTC. Full history please visit SEK/CAD History The page provides the exchange rate of 90000 Swedish Krona (SEK) to Canadian Dollar (CAD), sale and conversion rate.

-0.0424. THB/SEK. 0.2672.
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2021-04-19 · Historical Exchange Rates For Canadian Dollar to Swedish Krona 6.41 6.52 6.63 6.74 6.84 6.95 Dec 20 Jan 03 Jan 18 Feb 02 Feb 17 Mar 04 Mar 19 Apr 03 120-day exchange rate history for CAD to SEK Quick Conversions from Canadian Dollar to Swedish Krona : 1 CAD = 6.76716 SEK

Convert 1 SEK to CAD using live Foreign Currency Exchange Rates.